The overall ADAM project plan extends to a complete duration of 36 months, dividing the project into 4 phases. Each phase ends with a milestone and represents the chronological structure of the project: 

The current ADAM project progress is shown below:

Phase 1) Specifications: 
WP2 will provide the detailed specifications to all WPs. The definition of industrial needs, as well as the specification and investigation of demonstration showcases are crucial and provide measurement data for all RTD work packages.

Milestone M1: “Definition of detailed specifications + investigation results available” marks end of phase 1.

Phase 2) Development and Testing of Methods and Techniques as 1st Concepts: 
WP3 and WP4 will be developed in parallel with strong interaction between the other WPs. The resulting methods and algorithms from WP3 and WP4 will be integrated in the ADAM software framework for demonstration.

Milestone M2: “Methods / techniques developed and tested” marks end of phase 2.

Phase 3) Evaluation of Finished Implementation and Demonstration on Showcases: 
WP5 Evaluation and demonstration will evaluate the generated results on the materials and components provided by the end users. Furthermore, it will demonstrate both the ADAM software framework as well as it demonstrate the results generated on the showcases as specified in WP2. WP1 will supervise all WPs

Milestone M3: “Finished Implementation, Demonstration on Showcase” marks end of phase 3


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The research leading to these results has received funding from the FFG Bridge Early Stage project no. 851249, BF: advanced multimodal data analysis and visualization of composites based on grating interferometer micro-CT data (ADAM).



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